News & EventsCTFEG Shares Stakeholder Management Expertise with CityU EMBA Students

At CTFEG, through our unique education ecosystem, we connect schools with a vast network of stakeholders and services to advance the frontiers of K-12 education and empower the next generation to become future ready.

On 15 July 2023, Mr. Tony Mok, Chief Technology Officer of CTF Education Group, was invited to speak at the City University of Hong Kong (CityU)’s Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) Programme for the Modern Project Management Module. At the presentation, he shared the opportunities and challenges present in stakeholder management in the education industry.

Students and participants of the lecture were highly engaged, offering constructive feedback on Tony’s lively delivery.

“Our participants appreciated Tony’s holistic way of problem solving and lobbying to alleviate possible conflicts among stakeholders,” said Dr. Kelvin Wan, Adjunct Professor of College of Business at CityU. “The cases shared by Tony offered students such a valuable learning experience.”

“Our group of C-suite learners and professors today received a clear lesson about the challenges of such stakeholders as educators, teachers, parents, principals, management, in your industry through the CTF Education experience,” said Prof. Michael Wong, EMBA Programme Director of College of Business at CityU.

Mr. Tony Mok, Chief Technology Officer of CTF Education Group explored “Modern Stakeholder Engagement in Education Field” at CityU on 15 July 2023.

EMBA students were engaged and offered feedback on Tony’s lively delivery.